Book a hotel near Milan Lambrate FS Station now
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Lambrate F. S. Metro Station in Milan
Lambrate F. S. is a metro station on line M2 (green) in the north-eastern part of Milan. The F. S. stands for Ferrovie dello Stato, Italian state-owned railways – Lambrate is also a relatively large train station. Major streets near Lambrate FS Station include Via Giovanni Pacini, which connects Lambrate with Piola, the next metro station in the city centre direction, and Via Nicola Antonio Porpora, which connects Lambrate with Loreto Metro Station (the next stop after Piola). The square in front of Lambrate FS Station is named Piazza Enrico Bottini; the bus stop at the square is Bottini Stz Lambrate (Stz for station), bus number 93.
Hotels close to Lambrate FS Metro Station
The number of hotels near Lambrate F. S. Metro Station is quite low, because this part of Milan is outside the typical tourist areas. There are two 3 star hotels very close to Lambrate Station: Hotel Gamma in Via Valvassori Peroni (next to Piazza Enrico Bottini) and Hotel Vienna in Via Astolfo (a small street between Via Giovanni Pacini and Piazza Pietro Gobetti).
Other hotel locations near Lambrate FS Station
More hotels are available on the other end of Via Giovanni Pacini near Piola Metro Station (1 stop from Lambrate), and even more hotels on the other end of Via Nicola Antonio Porpora near Loreto Metro Station (2 stops from Lambrate). Loreto is also good as a public transport hub, as it is the interchange of metro lines M1 and M2 and already very close to Milano city centre. 2 metro stops from Loreto (4 stops from Lambrate) there is Milano Centrale Train Station, which is a very popular hotel location with a wide scale of accommodation options.