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You can sort or filter the hotels by price, stars, guest review rating, or distance from Viale Papiniano (the street with markets) and Sant’ Agostino Metro Station in Milan:
Viale Papiniano markets in Milan
Viale Papiniano is a broad street in the south-western part of Milano city centre, mostly known for its markets (Mercato di Viale Papiniano). The street starts at Piazzale Aquileia and ends at Piazzale Antonio Cantore. Approximately halfway between these two squares, Viale Papiniano crosses another square – Piazza Sant’Agostino. Sant’Agostino is the metro station closest to Viale Papiniano markets. There is also tram service in Viale Coni Zugna, a street parallel to Viale Papiniano in the south-west.
Hotels near Viale Papiniano in Milan
The number of hotels in and near Viale Papiniano is lower than in Centro Storico (historical centre), but you can still find several good (mostly 3 star or 4 star) hotels within easy walking distance to Viale Papiniano and the markets.
Other hotel locations near Viale Papiniano
Popular hotel locations (with wider accommodation options) with good connections to Viale Papiniano include particularly the area around Cadorna Train Station and Castello Sforzesco, 2 stops on metro line M2 from Sant’Agostino and Viale Papiniano. These places mark the western border of Milan’s historical centre, the main tourist and hotel district in the city.